I’ve revived the Ansel.tv YouTube channel to upload some time-lapse videos! They’re all available on YT and embedded on the site on the corresponding piece’s page — just click the 3 dots below the image to show the video & any other bonus material. I’ve also added links here on NG. Here’s the video for Scope Shop, with links to all four videos below:
Fatal Mermaid : Youtube / Ansel.tv
Castle Crypt : Youtube / Ansel.tv
Quarry Facility : Youtube / Ansel.tv
Scope Shop : Youtube / Ansel.tv
This is a built-in Procreate feature that just takes a snapshot of the canvas whenever you do or undo an action, so it gives you a fixed big-picture view of the work developing but is a little disappointing if you want to see the artist’s hand in motion or see what they see. I’m researching options for a screen-capture pipeline that will work for me across all the apps I use to present my process holistically.
For now, enjoy this look behind the curtain. –A∙